Nature - The biggest religion

Nature is the biggest religion of humans

Nature is the biggest religion of Humans 

The Coronavirus epidemic has made one thing clear that it has not ignored any religion and has killed everyone equally, no matter what religion and society associated with it, could not protect itself from Coronavirus in the name of religion. In the world's largest Christianity, whether it is Spain, Italy or America, God has not been able to save people from its death. In China, the followers of Buddhism have suffered the first havoc of Coronavirus. In India too, Hanuman ji was not pleased with the Hindus and similarly, in Islam also, the man of Allah did not get his name. It is so strange that today Coronavirus has given locks in temples, mosques, gurudwaras and churches, now the lord is also no longer accepting prayers. We were not divided into religions since the earth was formed and life and humans flourished. Nature gave us the qualities to live a better life. We have decided to divide our way of living in our ways by religions, one thing is common in all these religions, that we are all human beings, everyone has been born on this earth with the same red blood in their veins and every birth is a blessing of nature.

Nature is the biggest religion, all religious places
Different religious places of the world 

According to the earth and nature, how can we be different after being born equally? No religion in the world could save its captives from the wrath of Coronavirus, so it is clear that even above the beliefs we have run after, there is a supernaturalness, which gives us water, gives life to live, gives food for the stomach, and that is nature, which we all humans have always disrespected.

Nature is the basis of structures in every human being. This is such a scriptural argument, which is universally acceptable even though it is not accepted. Now it is certain that temples, mosques or gurudwaras and churches cannot save us, then accept this truth that nature is above Theism. Over tampering with it in any form or anytime can give a big hit on us. Just look at the last five decades, there is an international situation on the deteriorating environment around the world, there is air pollution, dying rivers or deteriorating soil quality and issues of natural forests, we did not pay attention to them properly. While there were attempts to find a solution in the midst of international noise, but they remained half-hearted. All the environmental meetings that took place around the world from the 1990s till date, nothing happened to them.

Nature is the biggest religion, deforestation
Stop destroying natural habitats 

These meetings piled up in front of Coronavirus today. We should not forget that the nature that produced us, Coronavirus is also born from that. It is ironic that the non-visible virus made the whole world desperate and forced to sit at home, Coronavirus is a punishment from nature. Trying to see Coronavirus as the archangel of nature will teach us something. There can be a difference of scriptures, but not in nature, it has tried to explain with one injury that defying nature is no longer tolerated. Today is Coronavirus, tomorrow there will be something else. From this pandemic, we should also understand that by rising above caste, class or any philosophy in the world, life was born in the earth, then it was the grace of nature. That is why it is time to understand the behavior and science of nature in a new way with a fresh and a calm mind. Anyway, the basic principles of all religious beliefs have been mentioned about the worship of nature, but we have gone astray in its practice and in understanding its importance. In fact, our narrow religious behavior put more emphasis in spreading other aspects, rather than those points which work on better creation life processes of society. It is time that we set aside our erroneous beliefs and understand the principles and rules of nature and decide our future time. Know your limits and understand the penalties of violations against the nature. Maybe only then we can survive.

Nature is the biggest religion, conservation of nature
Protect Mother nature 

Coronavirus is a product of nature but humans are equally responsible for it. Nature has indicated that no further indecency will be accepted. Our first responsibility should be related to their concern for conservation. Destruction opened our eyes to the blind race of development, we are staggering but we have not fallen completely. Today there should be more debate on the concern for protection and conservation of nature. Today all religions of the world are facing an epidemic, its sign is clear that nature is everything and a better life is possible only when we take care of our mother nature. It will be good, as soon as we understand it and improve our lifestyle, we will be able to make the best time of our future. If it is understood that nature can save us, then we bow down to it and work on its supernatural abilities by apologizing. Pray that the coronavirus ends soon. Nature is the root of all human beings and no one should leave their roots. The mantra of life is associated with the mantra of nature, so it is our responsibility to protect our mother nature.
"Happy World Environment Day- 5th June"

Nature is the biggest religion, world environment Day

The whole world needs to unite in the Corona crisis 

No one thought that the time would come when the whole world would stop due to corona virus infection. All services will be stopped and people will be imprisoned in homes. A powerful country like America will kneel down and be imprisoned in the walls of homes. There is a need to turn this challenge into opportunity and learn from this epidemic. We should do everything but do not challenge nature because "Nature is our biggest religion". One requirement is that at the time of this disaster the whole world community should unite and forget the old grievances - come forward for the safety and welfare of mankind. This will benefit the whole world. 
Nature doesn't need humans, humans need nature.

Thanks for reading. 

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