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Author - Amardeep Mishra 
"The pen is mightier than the sword."

About page

I'm glad that your insatiably curiosity have bring you here to know about the blog and the author. I don't want to waste your precious time lets introduce you to my blog - 'The Blog Times'. On this blog you will get to know about the topics related to nature, socialism and a person's principle and standard of behavior. Undiscovered voices. You love. It will surely also inspire you. This topics will either against the motion or for the motion. This blog is especially for the readers, writers and insatiably curious like you.

About author

My self Amardeep Mishra, a young Indian man who is passionate about his passion of writing and wants to achieve his heights in life but with all moral values ​​and sacraments. I always want people to be happy, especially those who are connected to me because somewhere we are all connected and positive vibes surrounding you always gives you positive energy. 
From a very young age, I'm fascinated by the natural world and always loved to play and connect with nature, sensing intuitively the goodness that is found there. Being in the nature has always been the greatest source of sustenance, energy, and inspiration for me. The sense of peace, calm, joy, and well-being that are found there help me in my own life and this is something I am very motivated and excited to share with others. I believe, Nature provides the perfect antidote to the stress and busy-ness of modern life. Natural world is a powerful combination that can dramatically improve your health and well-being by the regular doses of vitamin 'N'. Sustaining a deep bond with nature is the key for human health and well-being. 
If nature is happy then only we will be able to be happy.
I started writing just because of worse situation being done by humans on natural resources day by day. I'm genuinely very concerned about the nature including animals too. When I started writing I thought that it will not change anything about it but then I realize people will only understand when they realize a person's principle and standards of behavior and their duties for the environment. Then I covered that topic too in my blog. I have read somewhere that "If you want to change the world, you don't need to open a factory. Just open a laptop that's quite enough for it". The purpose of my blog is just to show the path to our present generation that how we should treat with our environment and society and we should not forget our moral principles and sacraments. We want to empower minds. Our focus is to create a new in you by the help of our principles and moral values. Stay connected by subscribing us, you'll always get knowledge containing information about the above mentioned core topics of our blog, we'll never let you disappoint through our posts. I think that's enough details about my blog and myself. By making it long I'll surely not make you bore. I'll only say just stay connected with us. If you still want to know more or have to give some suggestions then tell us from 'Contact us' page or E-mail us at 'amardipmishraa@gmail.com', I'll listen. I appreciate those kind of people. You can also follow us on FacebookFacebook PageInstagram and Twitter.

Living with your values,
when its hard to do so,
is what makes culture.
We will stand by our people;
I am all in.

Thanks for your precious time.

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  1. Amazing write up..
    Well worked and well designed
    I just loved it


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